So... I came across a web site today and morphs pictures and the first thing that came to my mind was to morph my dad into Yoda. Because, after all ever since being a little girl I've heard people compare my dad to Yoda, maybe because he's short and bald, or maybe because he's pretty good at being wise and giving great advise.. either way here is the result:
After being able to see how effective morphing was, I came to the conclusion that I could possibly see what our offspring looks like... ha so if you're under the age of 18 you probably shouldn't look at the content below, it could be found to be disturbing and extremely creepy.
Our little Hermaphrodite
Little Jay Walker... haha
and last but not least... our little Gabby (named after our favorite Desperate House Wife)
Wow. I don't quite know what to say. Just a little creepy...