Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Turkish Delight

Guess what.... I am blogging before Christmas! Happy Day! haha So nothing is really new... you know other than I am living with my bestie Erin Kay instead of Mr. Walker. I did plant a garden and have a few crafty projects I'm working on but I will probably be posting those later... or never :) you'll have to stay tuned. BUT something that Me, Shawn, and Erin did before he left was get PEDICURES!

It was so great taking Shawn. He is quite the foot phobe, so watching him was quite entertaining. When we were leaving to go get them done he kept asking me if he should clean his feet again... and don't worry he cleaned out all the toe jams before he could enter the premises.

It was great...Erin would laugh when they were working on her, and Shawn would cringe.

The end result: an ultimate success! 

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